Being a hypnotherapist
Can you make a living from hypnosis? Many of our graduates are in private practice and support themselves doing this work. Most are self-employed. We ourselves have a busy hypnosis clinic in Brisbane, with one full-time and two part-time therapists. We average around 2000 sessions a year in our clinic. The therapists who work at Brisbane Hypnosis […]
What’s studying with us like?
1. How long does the DKSH hypnosis study course take?Most people in full-time employment, or with families and other commitments will take about a year to complete the five Modules of the course. This represents approximately 400 hours of study and practise. 2. When can I start?You can start your study at any time during […]
An example of spontaneous age regression
About 10 years ago my husband Glenn was studying Bowen Therapy. Already a hypnotherapist of some years’ experience, he knew that this line we draw between what we call “body” and what we call “mind” was somewhat arbitrary, so he was seeking to gain some knowledge of manual therapies in order to enhance his practice of […]
David’s Thoughts
INTERVIEW WITH DAVID Shortly before he died, David was interviewed by William Bullock for the Thought Casters podcast. In this discussion, David speaks of the importance of giving proper attention to the induction of trance. He also makes the observation that some modern practitioners rely too much on conscious mind techqniques, like NLP or CBT, […]
Being a hypnotherapist: The impact you can have
If you’re reading this then you’re likely considering becoming a hypnotherapist. Welcome to our world! Our training was created by David Kennedy, along with the support and contributions of his wife Dianne, over thousands of hours. It was based on David’s work as a practitioner, and refined as he became a teacher of Clinical Hypnosis. […]
Case taking in hypnotherapy and the importance of observation
The Therapeutic Interview: in which your client teaches you what you need to know – Rachel Kennedy Going through some papers of David’s, I came across some handwritten notes he was making on the Utilisation Approach to hypnotherapy. In those notes, he made the statement: “This approach is client-centred, and highly dependant on the momentary needs of […]
Masters among us: the concept of shuhari & the learning process
Recently I had a conversation with friend and hypnosis colleague Steve Dodson. We discussed the teachers we had learned from in the last year – that we’d been inspired by some, nonplussed by others … and, let’s say, ‘challenged’ by one or two. We agreed there was something of value to take from each learning […]